My New Book Is Out! Becoming The Creator: A Practical Guide To Spirituality And Connection


The project I have been putting energy, love, and some sweat equity is finally finished! My New Book is out! It is 188 pages of empowerment, love, and vibrational healing that has been the culmination of the last 40 years of my life.

Becoming The Creator is chalked full of my personal experiences and my personal spiritual experience. It is chalked full of spiritual insights from my spirit team or spirit guides about the nature of our reality. It is chalked full of step-by-step exercises to help you overcome your own personal struggles in your life so that you can become the conscious creator that you have always been! Create more joy, peace, and love in your own life.

Becoming the creator is about finding the truth about what you are. The truth that you and Source are one. You have always been and always will be connected to Source. Because of that, you are loved and allowed to create the life you want.

Becoming The Creator is a practical guide, a step-by-step process to finding your true power. I hope my memoir of finding my own spiritual connection with Source and how I found a deeper connection with myself helps you. All of this is outlined in this book, full of exercises, to help you through your own journey.

If anything, I hope that the energy and vibration helps you. I hope that this book truly helps you in your life and you become the creator that you have always been. Much love you to you all.
